Saturday, October 29, 2005

I finally got my Moms of Faith Ryze Network page complete. I am so excited. I am looking forward to networking with other Christian women and helping each other grow.

I am currently working on my third issue of the Newsletter. It's going very well. I now have 42 subscribers. And my message board has 86 members now. I was shocked to see that the message board had 30,000 page views so far this month! WOW!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I've done a lot over this past week...

I sent out a few query letters and I joined a Christian writers forum. It is filled with great writers and valuable information. I haven't sent out any book proposals yet...I need to do some research on my "competition" first. I feel so weird about that. I just don't think that Chrisitan's should be competing. We should be supporting....

I have done a lot with my message boards too. I added a ryze section, writers section, and a private section for hurting and struggling sisters in Christ. I am trying to make it a place for every aspect of the Christian wife and/or Mother.

My newsletter is doing well. I have 40 subscribers and two have gone out so far. I am very proud of it.

I think that's all...for now. I will be working on my new ryze network this week and adding more content to my site....

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What a day!

For the past several nights I have been hearing the Lord tell me to get my writing together and begin sending out queries. So, today I started finding out guidelines and tomorrow I will begin writing my query letter. Please pray.

Also, Moms of Faith became a 3/10 page rank today. I went from a 0 to a 3! YIPEEE! I hope this opens the door for me to reach more Christian Mothers...

I am very excited about what God has in store for me. Please keep me in your prayer. I feel extremely unqualified for the taks He has already given me...I hope that whatever He asks I am able to do with excellence.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My first Newsletter went out on the 18th. I don't think there were any problems...thank God! I am already finished with my next one and my subscriber list is growing.

There are so many things that I want to do to the Moms of Faith site...I am currently working on a Home Life section and adding new content to sections that are already up and running.

I don't know if anyone actually reads these posts...But if there are some...Please pray that God help me finish a book that I am writing and write a professional query letter to send out to publishers and/or agents. I am also sending out letters for writing articles or a column for Christian women's magazines...

Thank you in advance. Til next time....

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I have officially finished my first newsletter and five more tmplates! I am so excited! The debut issue is Tuesday, October 18. I hope that it is a blessing to all of the ladies that read it.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Things are progressing nicely with the creation of my Weekly Newsletter. I have completed two weeks. I want to have at least 4-6. That way I don't have to stress about deadlines. The only thing I will have to do is ad content that others have submitted and update advertising. I can't wait until the debut. I'm thinking November 1st. Tuesdays seem like a good day...

My devotional for today was pretty intense. It's about not being a closet Christian. It's about speaking up and not sitting back and letting the enemy wreak havoc in our society. God really spoke to my heart. I pray that I make a difference in this world...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I just discovered Ryze...I think it's great. There are so many wonderful ladies there...I am thankful to God for helping me find other Christian Mothers to network with...

I have been working on my weekly Newsletter and I am almost done...I want to have at least four done ahead though...that way there is no pressure...

Today, I will be working on my site. I am redoing all of the article pages. I have finished the first three and today I am hoping to get at leats one whole page done...