Friday, September 30, 2005

I just put a test ad from the Yahoo Beta Ad program. I am very frustrated though. The ads are not showing up. Just a white box where the ad should be. It isn't even the color it was supposed to be. It is supposed to have the same color as my back round...GRRRRR.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Well, I didn't even get to see my school room today. My little one is cutting her molars. She is CRANKY! LOL. I did get a header put on my Newsletter though...I am still not happy with the Newsletter as a whole though. It still needs some tweaking.

My devotional hit home. It is about being content...Financially. Whew, that can be tough. I'm working on it though...or should I say God's working in me.

Well, I am pooped. I'll be back tomorrow...
Ok...she finally went to sleep. Now, I don't have as much time to work...So, I better get busy.
I just put my little one down for a nap...she is fighting it...I hope she goes down soon so I can get to work on my Newsletter...I want to get the template done. Then it's off to the school room. I am NOT looking forward to that! LOL.

Gotta run, baby is having a fit...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Today was a productive day. I got some of my website sections updated, I created a new section in my message boards, and I worked on my school room...

My schoolroom is like my nightmare...LOL. I have been working on it for a month now. I can honestly say that I see light at the end of the tunnel now. I may even have it done by this week end...

I also completed tomorrow's devotional early. God used it to remind me never to step away from Him again. The topic is Double Mindedness. It is part of a series I am calling "The Proverbs of the New Testament." It is a study of the Book of James...

If you read it, let me know your thoughts...

Well, that's all for tonight.

Lara ;)
Well, here I go into the world of Blogging....

I am currently working on improving my website, Moms of Faith. (Actually, I consider it more of a ministry) I am trying trying to create a newsletter. It can be very frustrating...However, God has given me a breakthrough. I have gotten around the HTML barrier...LOL. I think the template is cominig along nicely. The only thing I can't figure out is how to get my header in there at the right size...

Ok...I have to leave for now. My little one is getting fussy...